Welcome to the World of MissDeeWhyDee

Thank you for taking a moment and read what I affectionately call the maddness in my head. Many people tell me I have no filter and call things as I see them, so be forewarned I will only write what I truly think since I am allergic to BS. If you just want to read something sugar coated and fake this will not be the place for you. Be at peace and remember just to be thankful for the things you have.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving Reality

In a time where the every day is a struggle to get to the next,
This is a moment to take a breath and reflect on everything in our lives.
Think of the laughter, smiles, tears and emotion.
The gift that it is to remember moments of happiness and peace,
And the strength to surpass the hardships and pain.
Once it was simple to be just thankful for family and living,
Now the things once taken for granted take center stage.
Even though there are days when I hate it, I have a job.
For the ability to support myself in an economy where a good job is hard to find,
I am thankful.
To be able to go to the doctor when I am ill and have insurance,
I am thankful.
When taking my moment to reflect and appreciate all the good things in life,
One cannot forget the simple things that make our lives better.
Give a sincere thank you to the powers that be and to yourself for the perseverance to survive.
Thanksgiving is the harbinger of the season of family.
Hold your loved once close, and reach out to the ones lost to you.
Don't let the days go by assuming that there is always tomorrow.

Yesterday as I was getting everything underway for today's celebration, the phone rang. It was one of the phone calls you never want to get. A member of the family had been killed. I sat quiet after the call and realized that nothing is a given. Every day I wake up and go through my day as though tomorrow will always be there. So today I want to give thanks for all the small things I take for granted, and for all the big things we should be thankful for every day. Take a moment today and remember things can always be worse so just quite bit**ing for a moment and just be thankful.